All posts tagged: garlic cloves

Planting garlic

The last day of November and I finally got to tick a few more things off my winter allotment to do list.  I started with a little digging – I love digging. When I took over my plot last October I decided to cover one of the beds, as I knew I couldn’t cultivate the whole plot in the first year.  Covering the ground with a decent weed suppressant, the kind of thing that’s used in landscaping, is one of those things that divides allotmenteers.  Some think it’s a bad idea – good home for slugs, and others think it’s a great way of managing a plot – especially if you don’t have a lot of time.  When I covered this area I laid it over weeds without digging.  A year later everything had died back – I will have to folk through to remove as much horsetail as I can, as its prolific on the plot.  Frost is forecast next week so I hope mother nature will do her bit and help break down the soil …